Monday, December 18

A Space For Any Comment

This area of the blog is for ANY comments. You may want to comment on something other than what I have written, or just make suggestions or air thoughts, so please go ahead. Click on 'comments' on the next line to do so. If you don't have a 'Google' account click on 'other'. Simple as that. Any problems, contact me at


Jeannie said...

Highly recommended reading from the auspicous Peter Garrett:

william zappa said...

Thanks Jeannie, that's a very good read.

I'll see if I can make it clickable.


Anonymous said...

There may be a problem leaving comments contact me

Nicholas Pickard said...

Great blog.... I just found it through Ben Ellis' site.

I have always been amazed, particularly in Sydney's independent scene the amount of waste that we generate through thrown away sets, costumes etc etc.

It might be a nice idea to start looking at the storage and re use of our materials.


Nicholas Pickard

Anonymous said...

Thanks Nicholas,
Bill Young had similar thoughts; see his comments and my response at the end of the main article.

I'm sure there's a business opportunity waiting here.
